

API Documentation

Documentation for the API endpoints in this application.

POST /api/v1/encode

This endpoint performs encoding of the provided plain text.

Request Body



Successful response contains the encoded text.

FortniteRP Fortnite SkullTrooper. FortniteRP Fortnite FortniteRP. FortniteRP Fortnite FN. FortniteRP Fortnite FN. FortniteRP FortniteRP FortniteRP

Error Responses

If the body is empty, you'll receive an error message.

  "error": "The body text is required."

Example Request

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/encode \
  -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
  -d 'hello'

Example Response

FortniteRP Fortnite SkullTrooper. FortniteRP Fortnite FortniteRP. FortniteRP Fortnite FN. FortniteRP Fortnite FN. FortniteRP FortniteRP FortniteRP

POST /api/v1/decode

This endpoint performs decoding of the provided plain text.

Request Body

FortniteRP Fortnite SkullTrooper. FortniteRP Fortnite FortniteRP. FortniteRP Fortnite FN. FortniteRP Fortnite FN. FortniteRP FortniteRP FortniteRP


Successful response contains the decoded text.


Error Responses

If the body is empty, you'll receive an error message.

  "error": "The body text is required."

Example Request

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/decode \
  -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
  -d 'FortniteRP Fortnite SkullTrooper. FortniteRP Fortnite FortniteRP. FortniteRP Fortnite FN. FortniteRP Fortnite FN. FortniteRP FortniteRP FortniteRP'

Example Response


Error Response Example

  "error": "The body text is required."

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